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Hispanic or Latino
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Native American or Alaska Native
Two or more races
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What school do you attend?
Please select school
9th Grade Academy
A C Reynolds High
A C Reynolds Middle
A G Cox Middle
A G Cox Middle School
A L Brown High
A L Stanback Middle
A. L. Brown High School
A.C.E. Academy
Academy at Smith
Achievement Charter Academy
Acme Delco Middle
Aggie Academy
Alamance-Burlington Middle/Early College
Albemarle High
Albemarle High School
Albemarle Middle
Albemarle Middle School
Albemarle Road Middle
Albritton Middle
Alexander Central High
Alexander Early College
Alexander Graham Middle
Alger B. Wilkins High School
Alleghany High
Allen Jay Middle - A Preparatory Academy
Allen Middle
Alpha Academy
Alston Ridge Middle
American Renaissance School
Anderson Creek Academy
Andrews High
Andrews Middle
Anne Chesnutt Middle
Anson Academy
Anson County Early College High School
Anson High School
Anson Middle School
Anson New Tech High
Apex Friendship High
Apex Friendship Middle
Appalachian State University Academy at Middle Fork
Apple Valley Middle
Apprentice Academy High School of North Carolina
Arapahoe Charter School
Archdale-Trinity Middle School
Archer Lodge Middle
Ardrey Kell High School
Aristotle Preparatory Academy
ArtSpace Charter School
Asbury Academy
Ashbrook High School
Ashe County Early College High School
Ashe County High
Ashe County Middle
Asheboro High School
Asheville High
Asheville Middle
Ashley Academy
Athens Drive High
Atkins Academic & Technology High
Aurora Middle
Avery County High School
Avery High Viking Academy
Avery Middle
Ayden Middle School
Ayden-Grifton High School
Bailey Middle School
Baker Charter High
Bandys High
Bartlett Yancey High School
Bartram Academy
Bear Grass Charter School
Bear Grass High
Beaufort County Early College High School
Beaufort Middle School
Beddingfield High
Belfast Academy
Belmont Middle School
Ben L. Smith High School
Bennett School
Benson Middle
Berryhill School
Bertie Academy
Bertie Early College High
Bertie High
Bertie Middle
Bertie STEM High
Bessemer City High School
Bessemer City Middle School
Bethany Community School
Bethel Hill Charter
Bethel Middle School
Bishop Spaugh Community Middle
Bitz Intermediate
Bladen Early College
Bladenboro Middle
Blue Ridge Academy
Blue Ridge Early College
Blue Ridge High School
Bonnie Cone Classical Academy
Bowman Middle
Bradford Preparatory School
Bragg Street Academy
Brawley Middle, Mooresville
Brawley Middle, Scotland Neck
Braxton Craven Middle School
Brevard Academy
Brevard High School
Brevard Middle School
Brewster Middle
Briarwood Academy
Bridges Academy
Bridges School
Broad Creek Middle School
Broadview Middle
Brogden Middle, Dudley
Brogden Middle, Durham
Brown Summit Middle School
Bruns Academy
Brunswick County Academy
Brunswick County Early College
Brunswick County Early College High School
Buncombe Community-West
Buncombe County Early College High School
Buncombe County Middle College High School
Bunker Hill High
Bunn High
Bunn Middle
Burgaw Middle School
Burke Middle College High School
Burns High
Burns Middle
Butler High
Butner-Stem Middle
C B Martin Middle
C C Griffin Middle
C E Jordan High
C G White Middle
C M Eppes Middle School
C. Douglas Carter High School
Cabarrus Charter Academy
Cabarrus Co Opportunity School
Cabarrus Early College of Technology
Cabarrus-Kannapolis Early College
Caldwell Early College High School
Camden County High School
Camden Early College High School
Camden Intermediate School
Camden Middle
CamTech High
Cane Creek Middle
Cane River Middle
Canton Middle School
Cape Fear High
Cape Fear Middle
Cardinal Charter Academy
Cardinal Charter Academy at Wendell Falls
Carmel Middle
Carnage Middle
Carolina Charter Academy: CFA
Carrboro High School
Carroll Middle
Carson High
Carter Community Charter School, Inc.
Carter G Woodson School
Carter G. Woodson School
Carter High School
Carver High
Carver Middle
Cary High
Casa Esperanza Montessori Charter School
Catamount School
Catawba County Schools
Cato Middle College High School
Cedar Creek Middle
Cedar Grove Middle
Cedar Ridge High
Centennial Campus Middle
Central Cabarrus High
Central Carolina Academy
Central Davidson High
Central Davidson Middle
Central Davie Academy
Central Haywood High School
Central Middle School
Central Middle, Dobson
Central Middle, Whiteville
Central Piedmont Early College
Central Wake Charter High
Central Wake High School
Central Wilkes Middle School
Chadbourn Middle
Challenger Early College High School
Chaloner Middle School
Chantilly Montessori
Chapel Hill High School
Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools
Charity Middle
Charles B. Aycock High School
Charles C Erwin Middle School
Charles D Owen High
Charles D Owen Middle
Charles E Jordan Sr High School
Charles H Darden Middle
Charles H. Parker Academic Center
Charles P Murray Middle
Charles T. Koontz Intermediate School
Charles W Stanford Middle
Charlotte Choice Charter
Charlotte Engineering Early College-UNCC
Charlotte Lab School
Charlotte Learning Academy
Charlotte Secondary School
Charlotte Teacher Early College
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Academy
Chase High School
Chase Middle School
Chatham Central High
Chatham Charter
Chatham Early College
Chatham Middle
Cherryville High
Cherryville High School
Chestnut Grove Middle
Chestnut Grove Middle School
China Grove Middle
China Grove Middle School
Chocowinity Middle
Chowan Middle
Classical Charter Schools of Leland
Classical Charter Schools of Southport
Classical Charter Schools of Whiteville
Clayton High
Clayton Middle
Clemmons Middle School
Cleveland Early College High School
Cleveland High School
Cleveland Middle
Clinton High
Clover Garden
Clyde A Erwin High
Clyde A Erwin Middle
Coastal Preparatory Academy
Coats-Erwin Middle
Cochrane Collegiate Academy
Columbia Early College/High School
Columbia High
Columbia Middle
Columbus Career and College Academy
Columbus Charter School
Commonwealth High School
Community Charter School
Community High School
Community House Middle
Community Public Charter
Compass Early College High
Concord High
Concord Lake STEAM Academy
Concord Middle
Connections Academy
Conway Middle School
Cooper Academy
Cordova Middle
Corinth Holders High School
Cornerstone Charter Academy: A Challenge
Corriher-Lipe Middle School
Corvian Community School
Coulwood STEM Academy
Cox Mill High School
Crain's Creek Middle School
Cramerton Middle School
Cranberry Middle School
Craven Early College High
Crest High
Crest Middle
Crestdale Middle
Creswell High
Croatan High
Croatan High School
Cross Creek Early College
Crosscreek Charter School
Crossroads Charter High
CS Brown High School
Culbreth Middle
Cumberland International Early College High School
Currituck County High
Currituck County Middle
Cuthbertson High School
Cuthbertson Middle School
D C Virgo Middle
D H Conley High School
D.C. Virgo Preparatory Academy
Dalton McMichael High
Daniels Middle
Dare Learning Academy
David W Butler High School
Davidson Charter Academy Inc.
Davidson County High School
Davidson Early College
Davidson IB Middle
Davidson River School
Davie County Early College High School
Davie County High School
Davis Drive Middle
Dillard Academy
Dillard Middle School
Discovery Charter School
Discovery High School
Dixon High
Dixon Middle
Doral Academy of North Carolina
Douglas Byrd High
Douglas Byrd Middle
Douglass Academy
Dr Melvin C Swann Jr Middle School
Druid Hills Academy
Dunn Middle
Duplin Early College High School
Durant Road Middle
Durham Charter School
E B Aycock Middle School
E B Frink Middle
E E Smith High
E E Smith Middle
E E Waddell High
E Lawson Brown Middle
East Alexander Middle
East Bladen High
East Burke High
East Burke Middle
East Carteret High School
East Cary Middle
East Chapel Hill High School
East Columbus Junior-Senior High
East Davidson High
East Duplin High
East Forsyth High
East Forsyth Middle School
East Garner Middle
East Gaston High School
East Henderson High
East Hoke Middle
East Iredell Middle School
East Lee Middle School
East Lincoln High
East Lincoln Middle
East McDowell Middle School
East Mecklenburg High School
East Millbrook Middle
East Montgomery High
East Mooresville Intermediate School
East Rowan High School
East Rutherford High School
East Rutherford Middle School
East Surry High School
East Union Middle School
East Voyager Academy of Charlotte
East Wake Academy
East Wake High School
East Wake Middle
East Wilkes High School
East Wilkes Middle School
East Yancey Middle
Eastern Alamance High
Eastern Guilford High School
Eastern Guilford Middle School
Eastern NC School for the Deaf
Eastern Randolph High School
Eastern Wayne High School
Eastern Wayne Middle School
Eastman Middle
Eastside STREAM Academy
Eastway Middle
Eaton-Johnson Middle
Eblen Intermediate
Edgecombe Early College High
Elise Middle School
Elizabeth City Middle
Elizabeth City Pasquotank Early College
Elizabethtown Middle
Elkin High School
Elkin Middle School
Ellerbe Middle
Elm City Middle
Emma B Trask Middle
Emsley A Laney High
Endeavor Charter School
Enfield Middle S.T.E.A.M. Academy
Enka High
Enka Intermediate School
Enka Middle
Enloe High
Eno River Academy
Envision Science Academy
Erwin High
Erwin Middle, Asheville
Erwin Middle, Salisbury
Erwin Montessori School
Essie Mae Kiser Foxx Charter School
Eugene Ashley High
Evergreen Community Charter
Excelsior Classical Academy
Fairgrove Middle
Fairmont High
Fairmont Middle
Faith Academy
Falls Lake Academy
Farmville Central High School
Farmville Middle School
Ferndale Middle School
FernLeaf Community Charter School
Fike High
First Flight High School
First Flight Middle School
Flat Rock Middle, East Flat Rock
Flat Rock Middle, Winston-Salem
Forbush High
Forbush Middle
Forest Hills High School
Forest Hills Middle
Forestview High
Forestview High School
Forsyth Academy
Four Oaks Middle
Francine Delany New School
Francis Bradley Middle
Franklin Academy
Franklin County Early College
Franklin High
Franklinton High
Franklinton Middle School
Fred T Foard High
Freedom High
Frye School
Fuquay-Varina High
Fuquay-Varina Middle
G R Edwards Middle
G. C. Hawley Middle
Gamewell Middle
Garinger High School
Garner High
Gaston Early College High School
Gaston Middle School
Gate City Charter Academy
Gates County Senior High
George L Carrington Middle
George Moses Horton Middle
Goldsboro High School
Gov. Morehead School f/t Blind
Governors Village STEM Academy (Upper)
Gov's Village STEM (Upper)
Graham High
Graham Middle
Grandfather Academy
Grandview Middle
Granite Falls Middle
Grantham Middle School
Granville Academy
Granville Central High
Granville Early College High
Granville Magnet School
Gravelly Hill Middle
Gray's Creek High School
Gray's Creek Middle
Green Hope High
Green Level High School
Greene Central High School
Greene County Intermediate School
Greene County Middle School
Greene Early College High School
Greensboro Academy
Greensboro College Middle College
Greenwood Middle School
Grey Culbreth Middle School
Grimsley High School
Grover C Fields Middle
Guilford Preparatory Academy
Guy B. Phillips Middle School
H J MacDonald Middle
Halifax County Early College High School
Haliwa-Saponi Tribal School
Hallsboro Middle
Hallyburton Academy
Hamlet Middle
Hanes Magnet School
Harding University High School
Harnett Central High
Harnett Central Middle
Harnett County Early College
Harold E. Winkler Middle
Harper Middle College High
Harris Road Middle
Harry M Arndt Middle
Havelock High
Havelock Middle
Hawfields Middle
Hawks Nest Intermediate
Hawthorne High
Hayesville High
Hayesville Middle
Haywood Early College
Heide Trask High School
Henderson County Early College
Henderson High
Henderson Middle
Hendersonville High
Hendersonville Middle
Herbert Akins Road Middle
Heritage High School
Heritage Middle, Valdese
Heritage Middle, Wake Forest
Hertford County Early College High School
Hertford County High School
Hertford County Middle School
Hibriten High
Hickory High School
Hickory Ridge High
Hickory Ridge Middle
High Point Central High School
High School Ahead Academy
Highland Middle School
Highland Mill Montessori
Highland Renaissance Academy
Hilburn Drive Academy
Hill Middle
Hillside New Tech High School
Hiwassee Dam High
Hobbton High
Hobbton Middle
Hobgood Charter School
Hoke County High
Holbrook Middle School
Holly Grove Middle School
Holly Ridge Middle
Holly Shelter Middle School
Holly Springs High
Hope Middle
Hope Mills Middle
Hopewell High School
Horton Middle
Howard Learning Academy Middle School
Hudson Middle
Hugh M Cummings High
Hunter Huss High School
Hunters Creek Middle
Hyde Academy
Independence High School
Information Tech High School
Innovation Early College High School
Iredell Charter Academy
Ireland Drive Middle
Irwin Intermediate
Isaac M Bear Early College High School
Island Montessori Charter School
J D Clement Early College HS
J E Holmes Middle
J H Knox Middle School
J M Alexander Middle
J N Fries Magnet School
J Sam Gentry Middle School
J T Williams Middle
J W Parker Middle
J W Turlington School
J. F. Kennedy High School
J. F. Webb High
Jack Britt High School
Jackson Middle School
Jacksonville Commons Middle
Jacksonville High
Jacobs Fork Middle
James Benson Dudley High School
James E Shepard Magnet Middle School
James Hunt High
James Kenan High
James Martin Middle
Jamestown Middle School
Jamesville Middle
Jay M Robinson High
Jay M. Robinson Middle
Jesse C Carson High School
Jimmy C Draughn High School
Joe P. Eblen Intermediate School
John A Holmes High
John Armstrong Chaloner Middle School
John Chavis Middle School
John M Morehead High
John R Griffin Middle
John R. Kernodle Jr. Middle School
John S Henderson Independent High School
John T Hoggard High
John W Dillard Academy
Jones Intermediate
Jones Middle
Jones Senior High School
Jordan Matthews High
Joseph W Grier Academy
Josephine Dobbs Clement Early College High School
Julius L. Chambers High School
Junius H Rose High
Kannapolis Charter Academy
Kannapolis Middle School
Kearns Academy
Kennedy Charter
Kennedy Middle
Kernersville Middle
Kernodle Middle
Kestrel Heights School
Kings Mountain High
Kings Mountain Middle
Kingswood School
Kinston Charter Academy
Kinston High
KIPP Durham College Preparatory
KIPP Gaston College Preparatory
KIPP Halifax College Preparatory
Kiser Middle School
Knightdale High
Knox Middle
Koontz Intermediate
L Gilbert Carroll Middle
Lake Forest Academy
Lake Lure Classical Academy
Lake Norman Charter
Lake Norman High School
Lakeshore Middle School
Lakeside Charter Academy
Lakeside School
Lakeview School
Lakewood High
Lakewood Montessori Middle School
Langtree Charter Academy
Ledford Middle
Ledford Senior High
Lee County High School
Leesville Road High
Leesville Road Middle
Lejeune High
Leland Middle
Lenoir County Early College High
Levine Middle College High
Lewis Chapel Middle
Lewisville Middle School
Lexington Middle School
Lexington Senior High School
Liberty Middle
Ligon Middle
Lincoln Academy
Lincoln Charter School
Lincoln Heights Academy
Lincoln Heights Montessori
Lincolnton High
Lincolnton Middle
Littlefield Middle
Louisburg High
Louisburg Magnet High School
Lowe's Grove Middle
Lowrance Middle
Lucas Middle School
Lucy Ragsdale High School
Lufkin Road Middle
Lumberton Junior High
Lumberton Senior High
Luther Nick Jeralds Middle
M C S Noble Middle
Mac Williams Middle
Macon Early College High School
Macon Middle School
Madison Early College High School
Madison High School
Madison Middle School
Magellan Charter
Maiden High
Maiden Middle School
Main Street Academy
Mallard Creek High School
Manteo High School
Manteo Middle School
Margaret B. Pollard Middle
Margaret B. Pollard Middle School
Marie G Davis Middle
Marjorie Williams Academy
Martin Luther King Jr Middle
Martin Middle
Martin Millennium Academy
Martins Creek Elementary/Middle
Marvin Ridge High School
Marvin Ridge Middle School
Mary Potter Intermediate
Mary Potter Middle
Massey Hill Classical High
Mattamuskeet Early College High School
Mattamuskeet High
Mattamuskeet Middle
Matthews Charter Academy
Maureen Joy Charter School
Mayland Early College
McClintock Middle
McDougle Middle
McDowell High School
McGee's Crossroads Middle
Meadowbrook Academy
Meadowview Magnet Middle School
Mendenhall Middle School
Merancas Middle College High
Middle Creek High
Midway High
Midway Middle
Midwood High
Mill Creek Middle
Millbrook High
Mills Park Middle School
Mineral Springs Middle
Mint Hill Middle School
Mitchell High
Monroe Charter Academy
Monroe High School
Monroe Middle
Montford North Star Academy
Montgomery Central High School
Montgomery Learning Academy
Monticello School
Moore Square Museum Magnet Middle
Mooresville High School
Mooresville Middle School
Morehead City Middle School
Morehead Montessori
Morehead STEM Academy
Mount Airy High
Mount Airy Middle
Mount Holly Middle School
Mount Mourne School
Mount Olive Middle School
Mount Pleasant High
Mount Pleasant Middle
Mount Tabor High School
Mountain Heritage High
Mountain Island Charter School
Mountain Island Lake Academy
Movement Charter School
Moyock Middle
Murphy High
Murphy Middle
Myers Park High School
Myrtle Grove Middle
N L Dillard Middle School
Nakina Middle
Nantahala School
Nash Central High
Nash Central Middle
NC School for the Deaf
Neal Middle
Needham Broughton High
Neuse Charter School of Johnston County
Neuse River Middle
New Bern High
New Bridge Middle
New Century International Middle School
New Century Middle School
New Dimensions
New Hanover High
Newport Middle School
Newton-Conover High
Newton-Conover Middle
North Asheboro Middle School
North Brunswick High
North Buncombe High
North Buncombe Middle
North Davidson High
North Davidson Middle
North Davie Middle School
North Duplin Jr Sr High
North East Carolina Preparatory
North Edgecombe High
North Forsyth High
North Garner Middle
North Gaston High
North Gaston High School
North Henderson High
North Iredell High School
North Iredell Middle School
North Johnston High
North Johnston Middle
North Lenoir High
North Liberty
North Lincoln High
North Lincoln Middle
North Mecklenburg High School
North Moore High School
North Pitt High School
North Rowan High School
North Rowan Middle School
North Shelby
North Stanly High School
North Stanly Middle School
North Stokes High School
North Surry High School
North Wake College and Career Academy
North Whiteville Academy
North Wilkes High School
North Wilkes Middle School
North Windy Ridge Intermediate School
Northampton County High School
Northampton High West
Northeast Guilford High School
Northeast Guilford Middle School
Northeastern High
Northeastern Randolph Middle School
Northern Granville Middle
Northern Guilford High School
Northern Guilford Middle School
Northern High
Northern Middle
Northern Nash High
Northern Vance High
Northridge Middle
Northside High
Northside High, Jacksonville
Northside High, Pinetown
Northview Academy
Northview Middle
Northwest Cabarrus High
Northwest Cabarrus Middle
Northwest Guilford High School
Northwest Guilford Middle School
Northwest Middle
Northwood High
Northwoods Park Middle
Norwayne Middle School
NRM Early College High School
Oak Grove High School
Oak Grove Middle School
Oak Hill Charter School
Oakboro Choice STEM School
Oakhurst STEAM Academy
Oaks Road Academy
Oberlin Middle
Olympic High
Orange High
Orange Middle
Orrum Middle
Otis L. Hairston Sr Middle School
Overhills High
Overhills Middle
Owen High
Owen Middle
Oxford Preparatory School
P S Jones Middle
PACE Academy
Page High
Palisades High School
Pamlico County High School
Pamlico County Middle School
Panther Creek High
Park Road Montessori
Parkland High
Parkwood High School
Parkwood Middle School
Pasquotank County High
PAVE Southeast Raleigh Charter School
Peak Charter Academy
Pembroke Middle
Pender Early College High School
Pender High School
Pender Success Academy
Perquimans Central
Perquimans County Middle
Person High
Phillips High
Phillips Middle, Battleboro
Phillips Middle, Chapel Hill
Philo-Hill Magnet Academy
Phoenix Academy High School
Piedmont Classical High School
Piedmont Community Charter School
Piedmont High School
Piedmont Middle School
Pilot Mountain Middle School
Pine Forest High
Pine Forest Middle
Pine Hollow Middle School
Pine Lake Preparatory
Pine Springs Preparatory Academy
Pinecrest High School
Piney Grove Middle School
Pinnacle Classical Academy
Pisgah High School
Plymouth High
Pocosin Innovative Charter
Polk County Early College
Polk County High School
Polk County Middle School
Porter Ridge High School
Porter Ridge Middle School
PreEminent Charter School
Pressly School
Princeton High
Providence Grove High School
Providence High School
Provisions Academy
PSRC Early College at RCC
PSRC Early College at UNC-P
Pumpkin Center Intermediate
Purnell Swett High
Quail Hollow Middle
Quality Education Academy
Queen City STEM School
Quest Academy
R J Reynolds High
R Max Abbott Middle
R.D. and Euzelle Smith Middle School
Raleigh Charter High School
Raleigh Oak Charter School
Ramsey Street High
Randleman High School
Randleman Middle School
Randolph Early College High School
Randolph Middle
Ranger Elementary/Middle
Ranson Middle
Ray Street Academy
Rea Farms STEAM Academy
Red Oak Middle
Red Springs High
Red Springs Middle
Reedy Creek Middle
Reid Park Academy
Reid Ross Classical High
Reid Ross Classical Middle School
Reidsville High
Reidsville Middle
Research Triangle High School
Revolution Academy
Reynolds High
Reynolds Middle
Richlands High
Richmond 9th Grade Academy
Richmond Early College High School
Richmond Senior High School
Ridge Road Middle
Ridgeview Charter School
RISE Southeast Raleigh Charter School
River Bend Middle, Claremont
River Bend Middle, Raleigh
River Mill Academy
River Oaks Academy
River Oaks Middle
River Road Middle
Riverside High, Durham
Riverside High, Williamston
Riverside Middle
Riverwood Middle
Roanoke Rapids Early College High School
Roanoke Rapids High School
Roanoke Valley Early College High School
Robbinsville High
Robbinsville Middle
Roberson High
Robert B Glenn High School
Robert F. Kennedy Middle
Robert L. Patton High School
Roberta Road Middle School
Rochelle Middle
Rockingham County High
Rockingham County Middle
Rockingham Middle
Rocky Mount High
Rocky Mount Middle School
Rocky Mount Preparatory
Rocky River High
Rocky River High School
Roger Bell New Tech Academy
Rogers-Herr Middle
Roland-Grise Middle
Rolesville Charter Academy
Rolesville High
Rolesville High School
Rolesville Middle
Rolesville Middle School
Ronald W Reagan High School
Ronald Wilson Reagan High
Roseboro-Salemburg Middle
Rosewood High
Rosewood High School
Rosewood Middle
Rosewood Middle School
Rosman High
Rosman High School
Rosman Middle
Rosman Middle School
Rowan Academy
Rowan Co Early College
Rowan County Early College
Rowland Middle
Roxboro Community School
Royal Oaks School of the Arts
R-S Central High School
R-S Middle School
Rugby Middle
Rutherford Early College High School
SAGE Academy
Saint Pauls High
Saint Pauls Middle
Saint Stephens High
Salem Middle
Salisbury High
Salisbury High School
Sallie B Howard School
Sampson Early College High
Sampson Middle
Sanderson High
SandHoke Early College High
SandHoke Early College High School
Sandy Grove Middle
Sandy Grove Middle School
SanLee Middle School
Savannah Middle
SCALE School
School of Extended Hope
SCORE Academy
Scotland Early College High
Scotland High Health Sciences
Scotland High School
Scotland High School of Engine
Seaforth High School
Sedgefield Middle
Selma Middle School
Seventy-First Classical Middle
Seventy-First Classical Middle School
Seventy-First High
Shallotte Middle
Shaw Academy
Shelby High
Shelby Intermediate
Shelby Middle
Sherwood Githens Middle
Shining Rock Classical Academy
Shining Rock Classical Academy CFA
Shining Rock Classical Academy: CFA
Shughart Middle
Silk Hope School
Smith Middle
Smithfield Middle
Smithfield-Selma High
Smoky Mountain High
Smoky Mountain High School
Socrates Academy
South Asheboro Middle
South Asheboro Middle School
South Brunswick Charter
South Brunswick Charter School
South Brunswick High
South Brunswick Middle
South Caldwell High
South Campus Community High
South Campus Community Middle
South Central High School
South Charlotte Middle
South Columbus High
South Creek High
South Creek Middle
South Creek Middle School
South Creek Middle/High
South Davidson High
South Davidson Middle
South Davidson Middle and High
South Davie Middle
South Davie Middle School
South Edgecombe Middle
South Garner High
South Granville High
South Granville High of Engine
South Iredell High
South Iredell High School
South Johnston High
South Lenoir High
South Mecklenburg High
South Mecklenburg High School
South Pine Academy
South Point High
South Point High School
South Robeson High
South Robeson Intermediate School
South Robeson Middle School
South Rowan High
South Rowan High School
South Stanly High
South Stanly High School
South Stanly Middle
South Stanly Middle School
South Stokes High
South Stokes High School
South View High
South View Middle
Southeast Area Technical High School
Southeast Guilford High
Southeast Guilford High School
Southeast Guilford Middle
Southeast Guilford Middle School
Southeast Halifax Collegiate Prep Academ
Southeast Halifax Collegiate Prep Academy
Southeast Middle
Southeast Middle School
Southeast Middle, Kernersville
Southeast Middle, Salisbury
Southeast Raleigh High
Southeastern Academy
Southeastern Middle
Southeastern Randolph Middle
Southeastern Randolph Middle School
Southeastern Stokes Middle School
Southern Academy
Southern Alamance High
Southern Alamance Middle
Southern Guilford High
Southern Guilford High School
Southern Guilford Middle
Southern Guilford Middle School
Southern High
Southern Lee High School
Southern Middle
Southern Middle School
Southern Middle, Aberdeen
Southern Middle, Graham
Southern Middle, Roxboro
Southern Nash High
Southern Nash Middle
Southern Vance High
Southern Wake Academy
Southern Wayne High
Southern Wayne High School
Southside High
Southwest Charlotte STEM Academy
SouthWest Edgecombe High
Southwest Guilford High
Southwest Guilford High School
Southwest Guilford Middle
Southwest Guilford Middle School
Southwest High
Southwest Middle
Southwest Middle School
Southwest Middle, Gastonia
Southwest Middle, Jacksonville
Southwestern Middle
Southwestern Randolph High
Southwestern Randolph High School
Southwestern Randolph Middle
Southwestern Randolph Middle School
SPARC Academy
Speight Middle
Spring Creek High
Spring Creek High School
Spring Creek Middle
Spring Creek Middle School
Spring Hill Middle
Spring Lake Middle
Springfield Middle
Springs Academy
Stanley Middle
Stanley Middle School
Stanly Early College High
Stanly Early College High School
Stanly STEM Early College
STAR Academy
Starmount Acad of Excellence
Starmount Academy of Excellen
Starmount Academy of Excellence
Starmount High
Starmount Middle
STARS Charter
Statesville High
Statesville High School
Statesville Middle
Steele Creek Preparatory Academy
STEM Early College @ NC A&T SU
STEM Early High
STEM Early High School
Sterling Montessori Academy
Stewart Creek High
Stewart Creek High School
Stokes Early College
Stokes Early College High School
Stoner-Thomas School
Stuart W Cramer High
Stuart W Cramer High School
Success Institute Charter
Success Institute Charter School
Sugar Creek Charter
Summerfield Charter Academy
Summit Charter
Summit Charter School
Summit Creek Academy
Sun Valley High
Sun Valley High School
Sun Valley Middle
Sun Valley Middle School
Surf City Middle
Surf City Middle School
Surry Central High
Surry Central High School
Surry Early College
Surry Early College High School of Desig
Surry Early College High School of Design
Swain County High School
Swain County Middle School
Swann Middle School
Swansboro High
Swansboro Middle
Swift Creek Middle
Swift Creek Middle School
Sycamore Lane Middle
T C Roberson High
T Wingate Andrews High
T. Wingate Andrews High School
Table Rock Middle
Tabor City Middle
Tar Heel Middle
Tar River Academy
Tarboro High
Terrell Lane Middle
Terry Sanford High
The Academy at Ben L Smith High School
The Academy at Lincoln
The Academy of Moore County
The Capitol Encore Academy
The College Preparatory and Leadership Academy of High Point
The Community Learning Center @ Pinckney
The Discovery High School at Newton-Conover
The Early College at Guilford College
The Expedition School
The Franklin School of Innovation
The Hawbridge School
The Magellan Charter School
The Oaks Academy
The School for Creative Studies
The STEAM Academy of Winston Salem
Third Creek Middle School
Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy
Thomas Jefferson Middle
Thomasboro Academy
Thomasville High School
Thomasville Middle School
Three Rivers Academy
Thunderbird Preparatory Academy
Tiller School
Tillery Charter Academy
Toisnot Middle
Topsail High School
Topsail Middle School
Torchlight Academy
Town Creek Middle School
Townsend Middle
Trexler Middle
Tri-County Early College High
Trillium Springs Montessori
Trinity High School
Trinity Middle School
Triton High
Troutman Middle School
Tryon Middle
Tucker Creek Middle
Turning Point Academy, Charlotte
Turning Point Academy, Shelby
Turrentine Middle
Tuscola High School
Tyro Middle
Union Academy
Union Academy Charter School
Union Academy, Franklin
Union Academy, Monroe
Union County Early College
Union High
Union Middle
Union Pines High School
Union Preparatory Academy at Indian Trail
Unity Classical Charter School
Uwharrie Charter Academy
Valley Springs Middle
Valor Preparatory Academy
Vance Charter School
Vance County Early College High School
Vance County High School
Vance County Middle School
Vance High
VERITAS Community School
Vernon Malone College and Career Academy
Visions Charter School
Voyager Academy
W A Pattillo Middle School
W A Pattillo School
W B Beam Intermediate School
W C Friday Middle School
W P Grier Middle School
Wake Forest Charter Academy
Wake Forest High School
Wake Forest Middle School
Wake Preparatory Academy
Wake STEM Early College High School
Wakefield High
Wakefield Middle
Walkertown High School
Walkertown Middle
Wallace-Rose Hill High
Walter G Byers School
Walter Hines Page High School
Walter M Williams High
Walter R Johnson Middle
Warlick Academy
Warren County High School
Warren County Middle School
Warren Early College High School
Warren New Tech High School
Warsaw Middle
Washington Co Early College High School
Washington County High
Washington County Middle
Washington County Union
Washington Early College High
Washington Montessori Public Charter School
Watauga High
Watauga Innovation Academy
Water's Edge Village School
Wayne Early / Middle College High School
Waynesville Middle School
Webb Street School
Weddington High School
Weddington Middle School
Welborn Middle
Weldon High
Weldon Middle
Weldon STEM High
Wellcome Middle School
Wendell Middle
West Alexander Middle
West Bladen High
West Brunswick High
West Cabarrus High School
West Caldwell High
West Carteret High School
West Cary Middle
West Charlotte High School
West Columbus High
West Craven High
West Craven Middle
West Davidson High
West Edgecombe Middle
West Forsyth High
West Henderson High
West Hoke Middle
West Iredell High School
West Iredell Middle School
West Johnston High
West Lake Middle
West Lake Preparatory Academy
West Lee Middle School
West Lincoln High
West Lincoln Middle
West McDowell Middle School
West Mecklenburg High School
West Middle
West Millbrook Middle
West Montgomery High
West Pender Middle School
West Pine Middle School
West Rowan High School
West Rowan Middle School
West Stanly High School
West Stanly Middle School
West Stokes High School
West Wilkes High School
West Wilkes Middle School
Westerly Hills Academy
Western Alamance High
Western Alamance Middle
Western Guilford High School
Western Guilford Middle School
Western Harnett High
Western Harnett Middle
Western Middle
Western Rockingham Middle
Westover High
Westover Middle
WG Pearson Magnet Middle
Wheatmore High School
Wheatmore Middle School
White Oak High
Whiteville High
Whitewater Academy
Whitewater Middle
Wiley Magnet Middle
Wilkes Central High School
Wilkes Early College High School
William Amos Hough High School
William Ellis Middle School
William G Enloe High
William Lenoir Middle
William Penn - Alfred J. Griffin School
William R Davie Middle S.T.E.M. Academy
Williams Academy
Williams Secondary Montessori
Williston Middle
Willow Oak Montessori
Willow Spring High School
Wilmington Early College High School
Wilmington Preparatory Academy
Wilson Early College Academy
Wilson Middle
Wilson Preparatory Academy
Wilson STEM Academy
Winterville Charter Academy
Woodington Middle
Woodland Heights Middle School
Woodlawn Middle
Woods Charter
Yadkin Early College
York Chester Middle School
Youngsville Academy
Zebulon B. Vance High School
Zebulon Middle
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